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The inclusion of this line in an input file directs SPICE to determine the DC operating point of a circuit with inductors shorted and capacitors opened. Note: a DC analysis is automatically performed prior to a transient analysis to determine initial conditions, and prior to an AC small-signal, Noise, and Pole-Zero analysis to determine the linearized, small-signal models for nonlinear devices.
If this line is included in the input file, SPICE performs an AC analysis of the circuit over a specified frequency range. DEC stands for decade variation, and ND is the number of points per decade. OCT stands for octave variation, and NO is the number of points per octave. LIN stands for linear variation, and NP is the number of points. Fstart is the starting frequency, and Fstop is the final frequency. Note: In order for this analysis to be meaningful, at least one independent source must have been specified with an ac value.
The Disto simulation command does a small-signal distortion analysis of a circuit. A multi-dimensional Volterra series analysis is done using multi-dimensional Taylor series to represent the nonlinearities at the operating point. Terms of up to third order are used in the series expansions. If the optional parameter F2OVERF1 is not specified, .DISTO does a harmonic analysis. In this situationm, the distortion analysis in the circuit uses only a single input frequency, F1. F1 is then is swept over the specified frequency arguments in the .DISTO command (exactly as in the .AC command). Inputs at this frequency may be present at more than one input source, and their magnitudes and phases are specified by the arguments of the DISTOF1 keyword in the input file lines for the input sources (see the description for independent sources).
The Noise command line does a noise analysis of a circuit. OUTPUT is the node at which the total output noise is desired; if REF is specified, then the noise voltage, V(OUTPUT) - V(REF), is calculated. By default REF is assumed to be ground. SRC is the name of an independent source to which input noise is referred. PTS, Fstart and Fstop are .AC type parameters that specify the frequency range over which plots are desired. PTS_PER_SUMMARY is an optional integer that specifies the noise contributions of each noise generator for every PTS_PER_SUMMARY frequency points.
CUR stands for a transfer function of the type (output voltage)/(input current) while VOL stands for a transfer function of the type (output voltage)/(input voltage). POL stands for pole analysis only, ZER for zero analysis only and PZ for both. This feature is provided mainly for the situation of nonconvergence. This ensures that at least one of either the poles or zeros of the circuit can be determined. Finally, N1 and N2 are the two input nodes while N3 and N4 are the two output nodes. The ability to define these input and output nodes ensures complete freedom in the specification of the output and input ports, and thus the type of transfer function.
The sensitivity of OUTvar to all non-zero device parameters is calculated when the SENS analysis is specified. OUTvar is a circuit variable (node voltage or voltage-source branch current). The first form of this analysis calculates the sensitivity of the DC operating-point value of OUTvar The second form calculates sensitivity of the AC values of OUTvar. The parameters listed for AC sensitivity are the same as in an AC analysis (see "".AC"" above for more details). The output values are in the dimensions of change in output per unit change of input (as opposed to percent change in output per percent change of input).
The TF command defines the small-signal output and input for the DC small-signal analysis. OUTvar is the small-signal output variable and inSRC is the small-signal input source. If this line is included, SPICE computes the DC small-signal value of the transfer function (output/input), input resistance and the output resistance.
In a Transient Analysis, Tstep is the printing or plotting increment for the line-printer output. For use with the post-processor, Tstep is the suggested computing increment. Tstart is the initial time (if omitted it is assumed to be zero) and Tstop is the final time. The transient analysis always begins at time zero, so in the interval the circuit is analyzed to reach a steady state but no outputs are stored. In the interval the circuit is analyzed and outputs are stored. TMAX is the maximum stepsize that SPICE uses; for default the program will choose the smaller of either Tstep or (Tstop-Tstart)/50.0. TMAX is useful when one wishes to guarantee a computing interval which is smaller than the printer increment, Tstep.
The PLOT line defines the contents of one plot for one to eight output variables from the analysis defined by the PLtype parameter (DC, AC, TRAN, NOISE, or DISTO). The syntax for the OVI is identical to that for the .PRINT line and for the plot command in the interactive mode. There is no limit on the number of .PLOT lines specified for each type of analysis.
The FOUR (or Fourier) line controls whether SPICE performs a Fourier analysis as a part of the transient analysis. FREQ is the fundamental frequency, and OV1, ..., are the output variables for which the analysis is desired. The Fourier analysis is performed over the interval where Tstop is the final time specified for the transient analysis and the period is one period of the fundamental frequency. The DC component and the first nine harmonics are determined. For maximum accuracy TMAX (see the .TRAN line) should be set to period/100.0 (or less for very high-Q circuits).
Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program is two powerful tools in one package. HAP provides versatile features for designing HVAC systems for commercial buildings. It also offers powerful energy analysis capabilities for comparing energy consumption and operating costs of design alternatives. Input data and results from system design calculations can be used directly in energy studies. By combining both tools in one package significant time savings are achieved.
Figure 6. Correlation analysis of activation and maturation marker expression on MTB-specific CD4 T cells. The proportion of IFNγ+ MTB-specific CD4 T cells expressing activation and maturation markers after stimulation were plotted for CD38 and Ki67 (A), CD38 and HLA-DR (B), Ki67 and HLA-DR (C), CD38 and CD27 (D) on the y- and x-axis, respectively for samples from subjects with aTB from before and after treatment initiation (n = 109). The Spearman's rank test was used for statistical analysis.
Figure 8. Changes in TAM expression profiles on MTB-specific CD4 T cells upon treatment initiation reflect declining bacterial burden in sputum. A correlation analysis between time to stable culture conversion and the slope of CD38 and HLA-DR marker expression dynamics on IFNγ+ MTB-specific CD4 T cells is shown for the time interval from baseline to week 12 (A,B, n = 15), and from baseline to week 9 (C,D, n = 13), respectively, for subjects with accurately defined time point of less than 5 weeks between the last positive MGIT culture result and stable culture conversion. The Spearman's rank test was used for statistical analysis.
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Vacuum Tube SoftwareThe VTDATA software package is a complete vacuum tube manual on your computer. It has all the information you'd expect in a tube manual. VTDATA's database also includes vacuum tubes of historical interest, such as the early "two digit" types (45, 80, etc.) and hi-fi audio types.
5SpiceAnalog circuit simulation program for the typical circuit designer. Commercial version for windows
AA3RL Transmission Line CalculatorExcel spreasheet that calculate virtually every transmission line parameter that one may need.Include Length conversions, Reactance and Length of Stubs
TunekitFilter Tuning Kit for Windows is a electronic filter synthesis program and a practical filter tuning aid for actually designing and building a working filter
MeterThis meter scale drawing program is designed to have a computer do the hard work in making a precision scale for a d'Arsonval analog meter. The resulting scales will typically be nicer-looking than those found on many commercial meters.
JavaScript Electronic Notebook, K7MEMIt consists of a group of JavaScript driven web pages that are intended for use as a quick reference for Ham Radio operators or just anyone interested in electronics. Offer calculators for Resistors, capacitors, inductors, power supplies, filters, attenuators and antennas
Elsie - Filter DesignFilter design software. Elsie is an uncommon commercial-grade lumped-element ("L-C") electrical filter design and network analysis program, directed toward the engineer or technician involved in that line of work.
LCF CalculatorLCF online Calculator, calculate relation between Frequency Capacitance Inductance and Reactance
DSPRXSignalprocessing for SSB - Direct Conversion Receiver using Phasemethod for Sideband Supression, does all necessary signalprocessing for Direct conversion Receivers using IQ-mixer for demodulation.
ExpressPCBFree PCB software is a snap to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional.
Circuit Design Links (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();Coil32- Coil32 is a free coil inductance calculator, that allows to calculate: single layer and multi layer air core coils, toroidal air core coils, inductors on ferrite rings, in pot core, flat coils on the PCB, and also LC resonance parameters. The program have additional plugins to calculate another kinds of coils.The application is free for usage and distributing.[ Hits: 1529 Votes: 6 Rating: 7 ]Qucs - Quite Universal Circuit Simulator- Qucs, briefly for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator, is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can view the simulation results on a presentation page or window. Run on Linux.[ Hits: 1396 Votes: 1 Rating: 9 ]TANKIT- A free design aid for vacuum tube linear RF power amplifiers. Determine plate circuit operating parameters and design pi or pi-L tanks quickly and easily.[ Hits: 1901 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]5Spice- Analog circuit simulation program for the typical circuit designer. Commercial version for windows[ Hits: 5503 Votes: 8 Rating: 7.5 ]AA3RL Transmission Line Calculator- Excel spreasheet that calculate virtually every transmission line parameter that one may need.Include Length conversions, Reactance and Length of Stubs[ Hits: 5281 Votes: 16 Rating: 6.88 ]Amidon ferrite toroids calculator- Select the toroid by material type and dimension of the toroid, the desired inductance and you will get the numbers of turns[ Hits: 343 Votes: 3 Rating: 6 ]atlc - Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator.- Unix or linux programme atlc calculates the impedance of electrical transmission lines of totally arbitrary cross section.[ Hits: 1562 Votes: 9 Rating: 6.44 ]Beechhurst Electronic Design Solution- Complete software design suite DVD. From schematic to Gerber files for PCB vendors.[ Hits: 660 Votes: 1 Rating: 1 ]Circuit Lab - Online circuit simulation- A browser based circuit simulator offering a large set of functionalities allowing to share and discuss designs[ Hits: 507 Votes: 1 Rating: 5 ]Coil Inductance and Q Calculator- Calculates inductance and Q for single-layer coils made of solid or Litz wire. Uses U.S. or metric dimensions. Can automatically maximize Q. Includes accuracy data. Runs in Windows.[ Hits: 225 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]DesignSpark - RS Online- DesignSpark PCB is a free PCB design tool, by rs online, designed to help the user to convert their design into PCB faster with unique design options. DesignSpark is a powerful software engine that enables you to capture schematics and design PCB boards and layouts.[ Hits: 57 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]DesignSpark PCB- DesignSpark PCB is the world's most accessible electronics design software, specially designed for Rapid Prototyping and turning your circuit ideas into testable boards faster. Easy to learn and easy to use, DesignSpark PCB is free and can you can download DesignSpark from this site.[ Hits: 508 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]DSPRX- Signalprocessing for SSB - Direct Conversion Receiver using Phasemethod for Sideband Supression, does all necessary signalprocessing for Direct conversion Receivers using IQ-mixer for demodulation.[ Hits: 2438 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]EasyEDA- EasyEDA - Web-Based EDA, schematic capture, spice circuit simulation and PCB layout Online.[ Hits: 483 Votes: 2 Rating: 10 ]Elsie - Filter Design- Filter design software. Elsie is an uncommon commercial-grade lumped-element ("L-C") electrical filter design and network analysis program, directed toward the engineer or technician involved in that line of work.[ Hits: 2890 Votes: 7 Rating: 8.71 ]ERP Estimator- Calculate online, ERP in dB and dBi given PWR Frequency Coax lenght and type and antenna type[ Hits: 1647 Votes: 5 Rating: 3.8 ]EvoSpice- A numerical optimizer (solver) for LTSpice IV. Uses a fast evolutionary algorithm. You can use EvoSpice to design high efficiency power supplies, audio filters, low noise RF amplifiers and an endless list of other applications[ Hits: 542 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]ExpressPCB- Free PCB software is a snap to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional.[ Hits: 2376 Votes: 5 Rating: 5.4 ]FreePCB- FreePCB is a free, open-source PCB editor for Microsoft Windows, released under the GNU General Public License. It was designed to be easy to learn and easy to use, yet capable of professional-quality work.[ Hits: 124 Votes: 1 Rating: 5 ]Fritzing- Fritzing is for amateur circuit designers, enthusiasts and hobbyists to build their own design and develop their own projects. Fritzing offers a rich user interface. The source code of Fritzing is available on our Github. Fritzing is available in several languages and runs on windows, mac and linux.[ Hits: 115 Votes: 1 Rating: 9 ]FT CALC 1.3 - Ferrite Toroidal Core HF Calculator- This EXCEL Program Worksheet calculates the safe operating conditons for a toroidal transformer operating between 1 and 50 MHz. Manufacturer data for complex permeability, magnetic dimensions, and saturation flux density must be available. Some core types which are commonly used in amateur transmission are included.The program produces limiting winding voltages for linear operation and temperature rise over the range of frequencies and power specified.[ Hits: 233 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]HamCalc v1.3 pop- HamCalc is a free collection of calculators for radio amateurs include Antenna ERP calculations,Attenuators, Audio Filter design, Coil Winding,Decibels, Great Circles map and calculator, HF Filters, HF Traps, Metric conversions OP AmpsQRA Locator to Latitude/Longitude, Radio Horizon calculator, Resonance Satellite orbit calculator Timer calculations (555 timer)Zener Diode calculations Download zip By G4VWL[ Hits: 28264 Votes: 110 Rating: 5.42 ]Helical- A graphics-intensive bandpass filter program based on the helical resonator.[ Hits: 1869 Votes: 2 Rating: 9 ]IC-Prog Prototype Programmer- PIC Programmer software package that allows you to program all types of serial programmable Integrated Circuits using Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP[ Hits: 1203 Votes: 5 Rating: 5 ]idealCircuit- IdealCircuit is an analog circuit simulator working with true ideal components. It uses exactly the same unique and robust algorithm as NL5 Circuit Simulator. Simple and intuitive interface, fewer components and models, no fancy and powerful features that are only useful for specialized applications.[ Hits: 452 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Integrated Engineering Software- Electromagnetic CAE simulation software for modeling and analysis. RF, Microwave & Antennas[ Hits: 1658 Votes: 4 Rating: 8.75 ]JavaScript Electronic Notebook, K7MEM- It consists of a group of JavaScript driven web pages that are intended for use as a quick reference for Ham Radio operators or just anyone interested in electronics. Offer calculators for Resistors, capacitors, inductors, power supplies, filters, attenuators and antennas[ Hits: 3177 Votes: 16 Rating: 7.62 ]KiCad EDA- A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite that runs on multiple operative systems. It allow to easily create even complex schematics and is suitable for professional use[ Hits: 73 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]LCF Calculator- LCF online Calculator, calculate relation between Frequency Capacitance Inductance and Reactance[ Hits: 2610 Votes: 34 Rating: 3.94 ]linSmith - Smith chart utlity- A Smith charting program. You can enter either discrete components or transmission lines, see the results on screen and/or generate Postscript output. Component values can be changed numerically or using scrollbars.[ Hits: 1340 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]LogiSim - Logic Circuit Simulator- Logisim is an educational tool for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. With its simple toolbar interface and simulation of circuits as you build them, it is simple enough to facilitate learning the most basic concepts related to logic circuits.[ Hits: 94 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Meter- This meter scale drawing program is designed to have a computer do the hard work in making a precision scale for a d'Arsonval analog meter. The resulting scales will typically be nicer-looking than those found on many commercial meters.[ Hits: 4225 Votes: 5 Rating: 6.6 ]Mini Ring Core Calculator- The easy way to calculate toroid cores.[ Hits: 1875 Votes: 15 Rating: 5.53 ]mini Ring-Core-Calculator - Calculate windings on ferrite cores- The program can be used to calculate inductors (coils) and their number of turns on ferrite cores, ferrite shells and air coils. These can be used for baluns, Ununs, bandpass filters, low pass filters, resonant circuits, and more. The technical specifications of the cores are already integrated in the program.Application is free and runs on Windows 32 bit versions only. To make it run on Windows 10 64 bit need to be unzipped in a single folder.[ Hits: 297 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]NetCon- A netlist converter for moving schematic and PC board files from OrCAD/PADS to ExpressPCB format.[ Hits: 371 Votes: 1 Rating: 4 ]NFM - noise figure measurement- NFM (for Noise Figure Meter) is a software application to assist Noise Figure measurement. NFM implements the method of Agilent application notes AN 57-1 and AN 57-2 for noise figure measurement, but with the addition of an adjustable attenuator after the noise source and between the DUT and instrument.[ Hits: 390 Votes: 4 Rating: 7.75 ]NL5 Circuit Simulator- Analog circuit simulator for Windows (not a SPICE). A great tool for students, amateurs, as well as for experienced engineers. Free Demo.[ Hits: 1687 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Number One Systems- Professional ready-to-use PCB design product.[ Hits: 713 Votes: 2 Rating: 5.5 ]One-turn loop inductance Online Calculator- The high-frequency inductance of single-turn loops of various shapes made of round wire can be estimated accurately with a simplified formula[ Hits: 106 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]Online Coil Inductance Calculator- This online calculator will return the inductance of a coil. It will ask you the total number of turns, the total diameter of the coil and its lenght, from the first winding to the last.Obtaining the correct inductance in winding a coil can be easy if you already know how many turns are needed.Available in inched and centimeters,[ Hits: 89 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Online Helical Coil Calculator- This online calculator will give as output the Inductance L of a coil, including the total lenght of the wire needed to wound the coil.As input, requires the Diameter, number of turns, wire diameter and turn spacing[ Hits: 278 Votes: 5 Rating: 5.6 ]Osmond PCB- Printed circuit board design for Macintosh[ Hits: 367 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]PCB gEDA- PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac systems. This Software runs across multiple platforms such as Unix, Linux, Windows as well as Mac systems. This Tool is widely used for electronics as well as electrical circuit designing that comes with schematic capture. PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer which can tremendously reduce layout time.[ Hits: 84 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Quad - from Tonne Software- This graphics-intensive program designs and analyzes active quadrature ("90-degree") networks for use in SSB transmitters and receivers.[ Hits: 868 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]Resistor Color Code Calculator updated- Calculate the value of an unknown resistor with this free program for windows[ Hits: 681 Votes: 13 Rating: 5.53 ]Resistor Finder- Resistor Finder is a program that allows the electronics designer or hobbyist to find a combination of 2 resistors that, when connected in parallel, will provide the best match to a desired resistance.[ Hits: 1178 Votes: 7 Rating: 3 ]Resonant Frequency Calculator- This web based application will compute circuit values required for an L-C circuit to resonate at given frequency. Also it will compute the resonant frequency if given values for L and C.[ Hits: 1744 Votes: 8 Rating: 5.12 ]RF Calculators- A collection of calculators from everything RF for various applications VSWR, attenuator resistance valies, microstrip, coax, unit conversions and many more.[ Hits: 561 Votes: 2 Rating: 1 ]Scheme-it- Scheme-it is an online schematic and diagramming tool that allows you to create and share technical drawings using your web browser.[ Hits: 408 Votes: 1 Rating: 2 ]Sunstone PCB Design Software- PCB123 PCB download software. Review Sunstone quality pcb design software. Free PCB software download for all of your business needs.[ Hits: 835 Votes: 1 Rating: 6 ]SVC Filter- Filter design software. A program designed to expedite the design and analysis of lowpass (and highpass) filters with nearest 5% component values.SVCfilter is 32-bit Windows electrical filter design software nicely written to help the radio amateur, technician or engineer design and analyze lumped-element lowpass and highpass filters.[ Hits: 1181 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]The Quite Universal Circuit Simulator- RF/Microwave Simulator for Puppy Linux by WN2A[ Hits: 548 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]TinyCAD- TinyCAD is a an open source program for drawing circuit diagrams which runs under Windows. TinyCAD is a program for drawing electrical circuit diagrams commonly known as schematic drawings. It supports standard and custom symbol libraries. It supports PCB layout programs with several netlist formats and can also produce SPICE simulation netlists.[ Hits: 111 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]Tunekit- Filter Tuning Kit for Windows is a electronic filter synthesis program and a practical filter tuning aid for actually designing and building a working filter[ Hits: 4819 Votes: 9 Rating: 4.89 ]Vacuum Tube Software- The VTDATA software package is a complete vacuum tube manual on your computer. It has all the information you'd expect in a tube manual. VTDATA's database also includes vacuum tubes of historical interest, such as the early "two digit" types (45, 80, etc.) and hi-fi audio types.[ Hits: 10224 Votes: 24 Rating: 3.67 ]ViPEC Network Analyzer- This program intended for electronic circuit analysis (mainly for Linux).ViPEC is a powerful tool for the analysis of high frequency, linear electrical networks.[ Hits: 1167 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]ZenitPCB- An excellent tool to create, design printed circuit boards in a simple and easy to learn way. ZenitPCB is free for personal and amateur use, limited to 1000 pins, that is more than enought for any amateur radio electronic project[ Hits: 118 Votes: 1 Rating: 8 ].cc-windowopacity:1;transition:opacity 1s 1s,,.cc-revoke:hovertransform:translateY(0).cc-growermax-height:0;overflow:hidden;transition:max-height,,.cc-windowposition:fixed;overflow:hidden;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:Helvetica,Calibri,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:1.5em;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap;;max-width:24em;-ms-flex-direction:column; 1.8em;width:100%;-ms-flex-direction:row;;,.cc-close,.cc-link,;display:inline-block;,;padding:.4em .8em;font-size:.9em;font-weight:700;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;text-align:center; .cc-btn:first-childbackground-color:transparent; .cc-btn:first-child:focus,.cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child:hoverbackground-color:transparent;;position:absolute;top:.5em;right:.5em;font-size:1.6em;opacity:.9;,;left:3em;border-bottom-left-radius:.5em;;left:3em;border-top-left-radius:.5em;;;> .cc-messagedisplay:block; .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;;;right:0;;right:0; .cc-message-ms-flex:1;;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-line-pack:justify;>.cc-btn-ms-flex:1;,.cc-windowdisplay:none@media screen and (max-width:900px).cc-btnwhite-space:normal@media screen and (max-width:414px) and (orientation:portrait),screen and (max-width:736px) and (orientation:landscape),,;; .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;;; .cc-compliancetext-align:center;display:inline;-ms-flex:none; .cc-messagemargin:2em 2em .cc-btnmargin:0;padding:.8em 1.8em;"load", function()window.cookieconsent.initialise( "palette": "popup": "background": "#000" , "button": "background": "#f1d600" , "theme": "classic", "position": "bottom", "content": "message": "Cookies help us to deliver our services. By using these services, you agree to the use of cookies on our part.", "dismiss": "ACCEPT", "link": "MORE INFO", "href": " " )); Find more links about Circuit Design with Google Custom Search Engine Search Circuit Design with DuckDuckGo or with Bing(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();SoftwareACARS ADS-B Aircraft scatter Android Antenna analysis Antenna rotor control APRS Audio Recorders Audio Streaming Awards tracking Beacon Monitoring Browser extensions Circuit Design* Clip Art Collections Contesting D-STAR Databases Decoders Developer Resources Digital SSTV Digital Voice DRM DSP DX Cluster EME Filter Design Front Panel Design Grid Bearing and Maps Ham Exam Hellschreiber Internet Linking iPhone JT65 Legacy Systems Linux Log Analysis Log Converters Logging Low Frequency Macintosh Morse Code Decoders Morse Code Training Multimode Navtex NBEMS Olivia Oscilloscope Packet Packet Cluster PIC Programmer Propagation PSK31 QSL Radio Control Radio Programming Repeater Control RF Coverage Mapping RF Design RTTY Satellite tracking Shortwave Signal Generator Software Defined Radio Spectrum analyzers SSTV Time Utilities Vector Network Analyzer Virtual Audio Software Virtual Serial Port Voice Keyer Voice tools Weak Signal Weather and FAX Search The Search only in "Circuit Design"Software : Circuit DesignAdd a new link(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();About The DXZone.comThe DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.Free for your SiteAdd our 2ff7e9595c