Symbol of AMUL(Anand Milk Union Ltd.) is a ring of four hands,which are coordinated with each other. The actual meaning of thissymbol is coordination of hand of Different People By Whom ThisUnion is now at top. The first hand of Farmer, second hand ofProcessor, third hand of Marketer and fourth hand of Customer.Its ajoint efforts & productive team work have achieved success inall its new venture, how famous worldwide & known as
To understand the product mix strategy of Amul . To correlatethe findings with the help of the theoretical concepts that we havebeen taught during this semester on Marketing Management. To gainan insight on the product range offered by Amul.
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INTRODUCTIONIn the year 1946 the first milk union wasestablished. This union was started with 250 liters of milk perday. In the year 1955 AMUL was established. In the year 1946 theunion was known as KAIRA DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERSUNION. This union selected the brand name AMUL in 1955. The brandname AMUL means AMULYA. This word derived from the Sanskrit wordAMULYA which means PRICELESS. A quality control expert in Anand hadsuggested the brand name AMUL. Amul products have been in use inmillions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, AmulGhee, Amul spray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand,Amul Ice cream, Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul aleading food brand in India. (The total sale is Rs. 6 billion in2009). Today Amul is a symbol of many things of the high-qualityproducts sold at reasonable prices, of the genesis of a vastcooperative network, of the triumph of indigenous technology, ofthe marketing savvy of a farmers organization. And have a provenmodel for dairy development (Generally known as ANAND PATTERN). Inthe early 40s, the main sources of earning for the farmers of Kairadistrict were farming and selling of milk. That time there was highdemand for milk in Bombay. The main supplier of the milk was Polsondairy limited, which was a privately owned company and heldmonopoly over the supply of milk at Bombay from the Kaira district.This system leads to exploitation of poor and illiterate farmers bythe private traders. The traders used to decide the prices of milkand the farmers were forced to accept it without uttering a singleword. However, when the exploitation became intolerable, thefarmers were frustrated. They collectively appealed to SardarVallabhbhai Patel, who was a leading activist in the freedommovement. Sardar Patel advised the farmers to sell the milk ontheir own by establishing a co-operative union, Instead ofsupplying milk to private traders. Sardar Patel sent the farmers toShri Morarji Desai in order to gain his cooperation and help. ShriDesai held a meeting at Samarkha village near Anand, on 4th January1946. He advised the farmers to form a society for collection ofthe milk. Amul (Anand Milk Union Limited), formed in 1946, is adairy cooperative movement in India. It is managed by GujaratCo-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF). AMUL is basedin Anand, Gujarat and has been a sterling example of a co-operativeorganization's success in the long term. The Amul Pattern hasestablished itself as a uniquely appropriate model for ruraldevelopment.
PRODUCTA product is anything that can be offered to a market forattention , acquisition , use, consumption that might satisfy awant or need A product is anything that satisfies a need or wantsand can be offered in the exchange. A product can be goods, serviceor idea. Without product there is no marketing. This includesproduct variety, quality, product design, and brand name, sizes,warranties. AMUL produces and sell the product i.e. milk; it has toplan its product very carefully so that the consumer gets only goodquality products. or
Product Create awareness about its different brands therebyenabling the customer to differentiate between its various brands.Copy-write the packaging design to preserve the distinguishingidentity barring competitors from imitating the same. Introductionof larger volume pouches in line with economy packs to providelarge scale buyers price benefits. Different shaped pouches for itsproducts for easy identification, e.g Square shaped pouch for AmulTazaa, rectangular shaped for Amul Gold, etc.
Place Place refers to marketing activities that make productsavailable to consumers at the right time in a convenient location.It is the process of moving products from the producer to theconsumer, which may involve several steps and the participation ofmultiple. AMUL has developed federation and AMUL parlors located inseveral part of country. The GCMMF handles the works relating tomanaging of stocks and distributors in country. Thus GCMMF lookafter the disbursement of product to the various marketingchannels.
Price It is the value, usually in monetary terms that sellersask for in exchange for the products they are offering. Pricing andproduct image are closely related. Customers will pay a higherprice for well known, well regarded products, partly because of theimage created through advertising and other promotions. Thisincludes list price, discount, allowance, and credit terms. Theprices of products of AMUL are also decided by the GCMMF. The GCMMFconducts the market survey to check the validity and feasibility ofprices in the market and accordingly decides the prices of AMULproducts. However, the price is inclusive of several elements like,Cost of milk. Labour cost. Processing cost. Packaging cost.Advertising cost. Transportation cost. Sales promotion costs. Taxesetc. The GCMMF considers all these cost aspects and set them up inpricing structure to decide the selling price of milk and milkproducts. Promotion Place refers to marketing activities used tocommunicate positive, information about an organization, itsproducts and activities to directly or indirectly expediteexchanges in target market. It includes a variety of techniquesincluding advertisement, sale promotion, public relation andpersonal selling that are used to communicate with customers andpotential customers. AMUL promotes its products through newspaper,T.V.; hoarding etc. television is the best media for advertising.The GCMMF however uses hoarding for advertising in local areas.Hoarding designed on the creative basis attract the customermore.
Amul Product PortfolioAmul mainly produces dairy product whichfalls under nondurable goods category but also produces durablegoods Examples Durable Goods :-Milk Powders,Ready to Serve SoupsNon Durable Goods:- Fresh Milk,Cheese Range & Ice creams
The width of a product mix refers to the total number of itemsin the mix. Example: The total number of items are 8. ( breadspreads , cheese , desert, cooking,health drink, milk drinks,powdermilk & fresh milk Product-length The length of a product mixrefers to the total number of items in the mix. Example: The totalLength of Amuls Product mix is 42 The Total width of Amuls Productmix is 8 ( No of lines) Hence the average product length is ( TotalLength / Number of lines) = 44/8 is less than 6 Product Depth Thedepth of a product mix refers to how many variants are offered ofeach product in the line Amuls Product Depth Name of Product AmulButter Amul Butter Variants 100g Pack 500g Pack Price Rs. 25 Rs.122
Line stretching Every companys product line covers a certainpart of the total possible range. Line stretching occurs when acompany lengthens its product line beyond its current range. Thecompany can stretch its line down market, up-market or both ways.Example : group.) Amul has been introducing products withconsistent value addition but never left the core philosophy ofProviding milk at a basic, affordable price Conclusion Thissummarizes our research work on Amuls Product Mix. There arevarious other strengths of Amuls marketing but we have only broughtinto context the above topic. Amul is now aggressively adopting thedown market stretch by introducing ( CHHOTA
The AIDA Model identifies cognitive stages an individual goes through during the buying process for a product or service. It's a purchasing funnel where buyers go to and fro at each stage, to support them in making the final purchase.
The case study didn't highlight Retention, though there are many ways to increase loyalty around sign up to mailing lists or social platforms which offer news about offers and events, discounts on product ranges, discounts according to the frequency of visit, etc.
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